swany: Revisited

My final year students are in the process of conceptualizing in order to create a body of work for an exhibition at the end of the year. One of them is dealing with social media and this resulted in me reflecting on my own troubled, ambivalent history with this post-modern form of interaction. I thought [...]

By |2019-05-02T05:07:26+02:00May 31st, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on swany: Revisited


It’s been a year since I lost my mother and 4 since I lost my little furry buddy, Champers, and to be honest, the loss still weighs heavy upon me. Time, they say, heals all but heal is probably not the right word. I think it is more that one learns to deal with the [...]

By |2019-05-02T05:13:30+02:00December 21st, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Loss

So What?

So What?! Above: 40rty by swany (2016) OK, so here is probably the most uncomfortable lesson, art as an academic pursuit has presented me with: the “so what?” lesson. “So what?” is uncomfortable because it immediately makes you aware of the dissonance within your world and you cannot help but find yourself outside of your [...]

By |2019-05-02T05:17:44+02:00December 9th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on So What?

Six of Six

40RTY, my performance art piece happened on 29th October at 7.00 pm, and, as is common after these things, I have been laid to waste! It is Tuesday now, and almost 3 days have passed, yet I still feel all tired, achy and blue; like I have flu and a hangover simultaneously. Now I know [...]

By |2019-05-02T05:19:26+02:00November 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Six of Six

Five of Six

Oh, man! Yikes, one week to go until my performance piece at the artSPACE durban Gallery! My installation is completed and I have delivered it to the gallery where it will be installed on the afternoon of 29th October, just prior to my performance. I am so AMPED! You know when you are at a [...]

By |2019-05-02T05:23:02+02:00October 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Five of Six
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